Blog 94: Being Happy

I wrote two poems last week and sent them to a friend. He liked the poems. His analysis was— they were good, but dour. His analysis caused me to reflect about my attitude. I soon realized, COVID, politics, and cultural problems have shaded my outlook in recent months. I decided Read more…

Blog 92: Choices

Alternatives. We face some choices.  We were hoping for a clean bill of health for Jeny but her medical report was not what we hoped for. The doctor did not see visible evidence of cancer. However, the tests revealed the type of cancer is rare and known to be a Read more…

Blog 90: Follow the Science

Science. In the COVID and ultra-political environment in which we find ourselves, one of the buzz phrases is, “follow the science.” The simplest form of scientific research would be two groups that differ in only one condition.  If the outcome activity in one group differs from the outcome activity in Read more…

Blog 89: Wedding, I-O Ratio

We had wonderful time at our grandson Miller’s wedding. Miller is Scott’s younger son. The couple dated since middle school.  The minister did a great job of continuing the relationship in a positive direction. The surrounding events enabled us to have quality time with family. We are very thankful we Read more…