Happy Hannukah

The celebration began on the 28th and is well underway. To all my Jewish friends I pray for a joyous celebration.

Merry Christmas

Advent began in early December. We have talked of hope, joy, peace and love and now we celebrate a birth. To all of my Christian friends I pray for a joyous celebration.

Happy New Year

To Jewish, Christian and one and all, I wish a new year of good health, loving relationships and service to others.

Good News

Read and be inspired

During the holiday season Many acts of kindness bring joy to my heart.

Liquor Store Worker Gives Homeless Man The Shoes Off Her Feet (sunnyskyz.com)

Santa Spreads Christmas Cheer By Using Sign Language to Communicate With Deaf Kids (today.com)

Single Mom In Colorado Thanks ‘Layaway Angel’ For Christmas Help (today.com)

Forgiveness is kindness as is contrition.

South Carolina restaurant owner forgives man who returns Santa statue he drunkenly stole: ‘Wasn’t thinking’ | Fox News

Compassionate capitalism

Landscaping Company Surprises Employees With Bonuses Up To $200k (sunnyskyz.com)



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