Means and Ends. In my opinion one major reason for Trump’s popularity with half of our nation is he identifies problems and attacks them. The reason many of the other half of our nation does not like him is how he is attacking the problems. One side has people who believe believes the ends justify the means. The other side has people who believe ends do not justify the means.
I recognize that everyone does not agree with which problems our nation faces. I happen to agree with three that Trump is pursuing. My disagreement is with how he is pursuing them.
First, he is obviously pursuing the problem of illegal immigration. In my opinion, the Democrat response to the problem was tepid at best. They complained a bipartisan bill was not supported by Republicans. However, when it became an election issue, they were able to reduce the numbers. In my opinion, they had the opportunity but did not seriously attack the problem.
I agree we cannot open our borders to illegal immigrants. We need to attack the problem. The expense and difficulties with so many illegals were brought to the forefront when Texas sent illegal immigrants to other cities. People woke up to the problems when they came in their front door.
So — I think we need to attack the problem. However, I do not support lying about the numbers and the type of people. Highlighting one victim of crime by an illegal alien and exaggerating the criminal nature of illegals is stereotyping. Claiming immigrants eat pets is wrong. Attack the problem, but do it with truth.
I do not support using te issue of illegal immigration to deny legal immigration for non-white cultures, such as Afghanistan refugees who supported us in the war. One of the first acts by Trump was to deny legal immigration to 1600 Afghan refugees. I am particularly concerned when Afghans are denied legal immigration but white South Africans are invited to immigrate.
I do not support being self-righteous, dogmatic and single-minded about the problem. We need people who can think with seriousness, compassion and intelligence about the subtleties and intricacies of the issue.
For example, my pastor supports strong border controls. She became aware of the subtleties through her work with our local shelter for homeless women. She has seen many young Hispanic women smuggled into the US and used in the sex trade until they escape or are discarded. She raised the sensitive and sensible question – Yes, the women are illegal aliens, but should we simply ship these tragic victims back to where they were abducted? Thoughtful, compassionate people would pursue different solutions than simple deportation for everyone.

Economics. The frequent question raised in the last presidential campaign was — are you better off economically than four years ago? In my last blog I proposed continuing that question by establishing a baseline for future reference. In establishing the baseline I used Jeny and my personal net worth in the stock market which has dropped considerably.
A good friend raised a very thoughtful issue in a thoughtful manner. He was concerned with my economic baseline. He recommended using the Dow Jones average or the S & P 500 rather than my personal stock portfolio.
I thought about his idea. My first response is — the measure I use depends on the question I am asking. Are WE better off — is a different question than – am I better off? The first is a macro question and the second is personal. The Dow or S & P are certainly appropriate for the macro question.
Before going further, I want to be clear – both questions are important. I understand they can be independent. I could be worse off economically while our nation is better off. The opposite could also be true.
My baseline is my answer to the personal question. One reason I will continue to look at that question is I can be confident in the truth of my personal response. The big question is more difficult. For example, some people claim the economy at the end of Biden’s presidency was terrible but others say it was in good shape.
As my son the economist can testify—I am not qualified to make a macro statement with confidence. Thus, I will use my personal baseline, but with the understanding my personal situation may be different from other people and the country.
If something is done about the National Debt then we will be better off economically as a country. If I am somewhat worse off it would be worth it to reduce the debt.
Next week I will cover the attack on the national debt as a second problem Trump is addressing. Again, the problem is one that needs addressing but the means by which it is being attacked deeply concerns me.
This and That
During my fiasco with computers last week, I decided that in addition to no computer I would turn off the TV during the day. No news, no burdens, just read and ponder. I took time to be thoughtful rather than surfing the internet. It was a very rewarding time and a good reminder of the importance of regular disengagement.
Do as I say not as I do! A Kansas state representative offered an interesting amendment to a bill. The legislature was proposing numerous restrictions on how the poor could spend food money. He suggested the same requirements be placed on the per diem for the legislators. The amendment failed.
Read more at: https://www.kansas.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/dion-lefler/article300082529.html#storylink=cpy
Another opportunity to cut government waste. DOGE is trying to cut out government waste. At the same time President Trump asked Kristi Noem to have a 200-million-dollar advertising campaign thanking him for halting illegal immigration. Some would consider such a campaign during a government cost-cutting campaign to be an oxymoron.
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