South African President Nelson Mandela shares a moment with Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu ahead of the 10th Desmond Tutu Peace Lecture August 6

TRC. I want to begin my return from Oxford with a positive story that brought tears to my eyes. The story was a prominent part of modern history but somehow I missed it. Only recently did I become aware of the amazing story of South Africa after Nelson Mandela was released.

I was familiar with apartheid. I was familiar with Nelson Mandela being on Robben Island for 18 of his 27 years of imprisonment. I knew he was released in 1990 and worked with F. W. de Klerk to end apartheid in 1994.

I was not familiar with what followed the fall of apartheid. In 1995 Nelson Mandela asked Bishop Tutu to head a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The TRC’s emphasis on reconciliation was in sharp contrast to the revenge aproach taken by many people who have been wronged. South Africa’s first coalition government chose to pursue forgiveness over prosecution and reparation over retaliation.

Many amazing stories came out of the commission. Story after story of forgiveness and its power to reconcile and bring peace. Their work stands in stark contrast to the revenge we see all around us.

I encourage you to read a speech by Bishop Tutu. As you read the speech, I encourage everyone to remember the apartheid conditions under which Mandela and Tutu lived. Revenge is the human response to the pain of apartheid. They lived above that human response.

Speech: No Future Without Forgiveness (Version 2) (

There is much more, very interesting information about the TRC.

District 6 Museum. Thinking about Mandela reminded me of a story I may have told in a previous blog. On our trip to South Africa, we were excited when we arrived at Cape Town. We were scheduled to go to Robben Island Unfortunately the waves were too high and our excursion was canceled. The next available times were long after we were scheduled to leave.

Our consolation prize was to visit a quaint museum, on Burtenkamp street. The owner, who was our guide was keeping history alive by telling tales of District Six. 

Before apartheid, Hindis, Christians, Muslims, Jews, whites, coloreds and blacks were living peacefully together in this district despite differing views. Apartheid leaders did not like that example so they demolished the area and displaced the people.

Our guide, a wee brown man, with twinkling eyes of mirth shared pictures and displays with pride. His final display was a bench with an emblazoned Whites Only sign.

Our guide recalled walking through a park and seeing a white man sitting on the bench, He remembers asking himself — what makes him better than me?

Then he noticed that beside the man on the bench sat his dog. Our guide grew angry asking; how can this possibly be? How is a dog better than me!

Then with a wry smile and a wink, he leaned in and cackled — and his dog was black!

He had the ability to laugh at the utter stupidity of apartheid.  I was in awe of his strength to laugh in the face of evil.

Elon Musk. Based on my observations of the polemic politics in America, it is obvious to me that many people are looking for the one thing they can use to make a decision. They are not weighing strengths and weakness of their own positions up against the strengths and weaknesses of opposing position. They base their decision on a single factor.

For many the single factor is abortion. People for it will vote for Harris. People against it will vote for Trump.

In my own thinking, if I believe anyone is working to upend democracy I will oppose them. I bring this up because I was shocked to read that Elon Musk – a man with some good ideas – is reported to have given positive support to a suggestion that the United States should move from democracy to being a republic with Alpha Males having the votes and control. That  idea upends the democracy I believe in.

When I read this, I could not believe my eyes and wanted to be very careful that it was not misinformation. At this time, I have found numerous accounts of him giving credence to thinking about this idea with no statement rejecting the idea. If anyone has evidence this is misinformation please share it with me. I do not want to believe anyone is thinking in this way.

This and That

In 1964 Wilt Chamberlin scored 100 points in an NBA basketball game. Because there is no film of the game some people, including NBA players, are claiming he did not do it. They say the NBA made it up. This of course means the fans in attendance, the players on both teams, the press, and the officials had to be a part of the NBA plan. The level of stupidity in this belief saddens me. Our world is moving toward stronger belief in conspiracy theories than reality.

Our son Scott and his wife attend church across the street from a mass shooting that occurred in Birmingham, Alabama on Saturday night. Needless to say, Sunday services were not normal.

Good News


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