Memorial Day. Jeny and I watched the national tribute to veterans on Memorial Day. I thought it was an outstanding tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces without glorifying war. Several of the tributes brought tears to both of us.

Many of you celebrate your own losses on Memorial Day. For you the meaning is personal and goes beyond honoring our veterans. How ever you celebrated It, I hope you had a great holiday.

Great quote. Stan Grant is a person of indigenous heritage in Australia. He was a long-time successful TV personality in Australia. He recently addressed the mistreatment of Aboriginals and was criticized. He decided to take a break from the media and gave a great quote — 

“I take time out because we have shown again that our history — our hard truth — is too big, too fragile, too precious for the media. The media sees only battle lines, not bridges. It sees only politics,” Grant wrote. “The media has turned public discussion into an amusement park. Social media, at its worst, is a sordid spectacle. A grotesque burlesque. Lives are reduced to mockery and ridicule.”

What a great thought – build bridges not battle lines. I firmly believe the challenge for all of us is to build bridges not battle lines!

A reader suggests another good idea. Last week I discussed an important lesson I heard at a fund-raising dinner. Kevin Steele, defensive coordinator for the University of Alabama related that he learned to share and take responsibility for his own mistakes before pointing out the mistakes of his players.

 A good friend and reader of this blog shared another a very important lesson. His career was in advising (coaching) businesses as a consultant. He pointed out It is always a good idea to discuss what people (or players) did well before discussing where they can improve. I agree and thank him for the suggestion.

As I said last week, the suggestions apply to families as well as institutions.

It’s playoff time. I am not a huge fan of professional basketball during the regular season. However, during the playoffs great games usually occur.

The games have been exceptionally exciting this year. The 6th game between the Heat and the Celtics was one of the most exciting games I have ever seen and I have been watching basketball games for many years. The game depended on the referees putting .9 of a second back on the clock after a foul and Jimmy Butler for the Heat making 3 free throws for a 1-point lead. Then a tip-in with .1 of a second on the clock won it for the Celtics. A game cannot be closer than .1 of a second.

If you are even a minor observer of basketball and you have not seen Jokic for the Denver Nuggets play, I recommend you watch him.

Good News

First responders

Local Police Officers Go Above And Beyond To Celebrate Young Boy’s Birthday (


‘Out Of Nowhere A Voice Said I Got You’: Guardian Angel Aids Teen In Car Crash With 18-Wheeler (

Eighth Grader’s Act of Kindness Touches The Heart Of An Elderly Woman (

Wow, Wow, Wow

Paralyzed Man Walks Naturally After Groundbreaking Brain Implants (



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