Auld Lang Syne. 2022 went out with two great semi-final NCAA football games and a very thoughtful beautiful video from a high school classmate. Even though it is several days past New Year’s Eve, I highly recommend the video for your viewing and listening pleasure. It has a good, positive message.

It can be found at AULD LANG SYNE by Sissel – YouTube. Skip the ads.

A serious issue. I remain joyful and thankful for each day, but after a month off, I am going to slowly return to addressing important personal, social and political topics in this blog.

I am going to try and be consistent and minimize my use of the words race and racism. Race is a social construct with a divisive and demeaning history that goes back to the 1400’s. I prefer using the social constructs prejudice and bias. In doing so, I am not diminishing our problems or the importance of the pursuit of equality and justice. I am convinced a different social construct is a better approach.

Several weeks ago, I addressed some issues of what others call “Critical Race Theory (CRT).” I said then I did not cover everything and will add some ideas in the future, The future is now.

As with other topics, I agree with some aspects of CRT and disagree with others. Today I will consider two.

Institutionalization. First, CRT believes prejudice is often institutionalized. The history and practices of an institution can be ingrained prejudice. They believe the liberal notion to change individuals is wrong. They believe we need to change the institutions.

In my opinion. I agree institutional prejudice is a problem and I believe we must fight to change institutional prejudice. However, institutions are made up of individuals. Therefore, I would argue the way to change institutions is to change individuals in the institutions. Seems logical to me. I do not see how an institution can be less prejudiced without the individuals in the institution changing. I recognize that even if individuals change, they will have work to do to change institutionalized prejudice.

 All Prejudice. The second factor is the idea if you are not fighting against prejudice then you are supporting it. I agree, but for me that means we must fight all forms, not just prejudice based on one color.

One of the reasons I prefer using the social construct prejudice is because it gives me a broader perspective.  A variety of prejudices are institutionalized. Some are based on color, some on gender, some on region, some on culture and many other topics. For example, I would argue there is regional prejudice against the South in many institutions, starting with the media.

Another reason I prefer the term prejudice is because the term allows multi-directionality. Prejudice based on color can go in several directions (white to black to brown and all combinations.) Similarly, gender, region, and cultured prejudice can go in different directions.

Thus, if we are to fight prejudice, we must fight it in all its’ forms. The battle is prejudice in humans, not one form of prejudice such as whites’ treatment of Blacks. For Critical Race Theory proponents to be honest to their statements we must be concerned for prejudice in all colors, all genders, all forms.

Preaching. Our pastor is having eye surgery. She asked me to lead the service next Sunday, January 8. You can watch it on Facebook by going to Providence Presbyterian Church, Mobile, Alabama. It will be live on video at 9:15 CST, or you can watch it later at your convenience. It is always an honor for me to be asked.

Good News

The recent blizzard created many opportunities for kindness:

‘We Fed Them, Had Coffees Going’: McDonald’s Workers Shelter People From Blizzard (

Man Breaks Into School And Saves Over A Dozen People During Blizzard (

Barber Helps Save Lives During Blizzard By Turning Shop Into A Shelter (

Used his savings!

Stranger Buys Kid A Grand Piano After Seeing Him On The Local News (



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